Thursday, August 28, 2008

Adword Tip Google search

Adwords is in internet marketers dream that has come true. With only a few dollars and a single ad you can have your first sale in less then an hour. But the problem is most people are paying to much to join the adwords game. Did you know that some of your competitors are paying less than you and getting more signups and sales.

I would like to give 5 tips that will boost your adsense campaign for sure.

1) Target your keywords.

It comes always to my attention that people don’t target their keywords. The more target your visitors are the more likely they will buy. For example poker is not a target keyword. Perhaps the searcher is looking for poker handbooks, poker forums, poker software, poker tips. Let’s say you want to sell a poker guide, it can be yours but you can also pick up some guide written by someone else for example on clickbank. You earn a commission of the sales. Poker gives us 2 pages of sponsored ads, poker course, poker guide or poker ebook gives us only a handful (or less) ads on Google.
Result you will pay less and have a better conversation ratio.

2) Include a price in your ads.

I never set up a campaign and probably I never will where I don’t include a price in my ads. At this point the members who read your ads say, o no, this product is to much I don’t buy it. And mostly they don’t click your ads.
Warning! You will get a lower ctr but a higher conversation ratio.

3) Turn off content targeting and search market.

I know not much adsense users are happy to hear this (and I’m also one of them) however my advice is. Turn of content targeting and search market. I can tell you from my own experience that you will get a better ctr and conversation ratio with your Google adwords if you advertise only on Google itself.

4) Don’t forget to geotarget.

Let’s say you have found out a great affiliate network that sends playstation portables to the users of Canada and the USA. Well I assurance you only include Canada and USA in your campaign. No matter how much visitors you have, if they aren’t from Canada and the USA you won’t earn any money.

5) Usa a call to action.

I would recommend you in the last phrase of your ad, use a call to action.
Yes you don’t have much space with adwords, therefore use it wisely.
An example can be.
- 15% discount act now
- Download now before your competition does.
- Steal it now.
- Don’t wait, but use it.

I hope you have learned something from this adwords tips.
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